"The Christmas Song" Nat King Cole
"Holly Jolly Christmas" Burl Ives
"White Christmas" Bing Crosby
"A Christmas Carol" Many Versions
Singing "Silent Night" in Church
That's all I need.
May all needs be met so simply in this Season of Birth.
This year I have started early. Another nurse brought in leftover candy from her daughter's birthday party and I used it to start this year's campaign. This year I added sodas that I buy on sale and use coupons for. A can of soda is a bargain for a donation of 50 cents. Today was Pepsi products buy 2 twelve packs and get 3 free! Such a deal!
(eating junk food so a child in a 3rd world country can get a nutritious meal, what a concept)
Richard Nixon, Lyndon Johnson, Hubert Humphrey, Spiro Agnew, Gerald Ford, Nelson Rockefeller, Walter Mondale, George Bush, Dan Quayle, Al Gore, Dick Cheney.
Would I want any of these as President? At the time I voted for them, I thought so.
Over the past several years I have visited many of the Presidential Libraries. It has given me some prespective on who some of these men were. We always know more in hindsight. It is not always easy to know what to think now.